- [28-30/09/2021] Workshop prospective SWIM (Toulouse).
- [23-25/09/2019] CFOSAT
Science Team Meeting, Nanjing (China).
- [08-19/07/2019] WITGAF2019: Waves, Instabilities and Turbulence
in Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows
(Cargèse, France).
- [03/07/2019] CFOSAT end of verification phase workshop
(Toulouse, France).
- [28/12/2018] MAEVA has been selected for inclusion in the CFOSAT International Science Team, and granted CFOSAT data access for the verification phase.
- [11/27-29/2018]
jh2018 : 16th Journées de l'Hydrodynamique,
- [10/29/2018] CFOSAT launch.
- [10/8-9/2018] CFOSAT
pre-launch workshop, Brest